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Is It a Good Decision to Go Abroad to Study in a Pandemic Situation?


2020 has been the crucial year for every one of us.  But life does not stop due to lockdown. The situation is coming under control and everything is falling into its right place. In midst of the pandemic, universities internationally as well those within the geographical boundaries of the country have shifted their pattern of education online. As mentioned earlier, life doesn't stop, thanks to the technology that classes are now attended by these students from home and they are able to continue their education through the means of virtual assistance. But, everything can be done online.

Whatever the facilities this online system is providing, it can't be the same as that of classroom teaching. So, when everything is alright then you can have your classroom back and then you will need a study abroad counselling in Mumbai to share your queries about studying abroad. As of now, the education mode is online but it's for our own good. Health is the primary factor that is taken care of by all the governments so let's be positive and do the best to us. 

Things that can't be ignored by the student while doing the course online -

The most important thing and a prominent concept that every one of you should keep in mind are that only the medium of education has altered. Apart from this, the quality of education, content in your syllabus, interaction and “why…?” and faculty remain unaltered. A major concern in many minds is that online education will not be the same experience of being in a foreign country and that's true up to some extent.

Universities abroad have ensured to inculcate various interactive and effective sessions in their program to make sure that students are able to have as close an experience that they would otherwise have had if they were going to these classes in person. Another major point that must be brought to light, is even before the lockdown and this pandemic, a sizable proportion of classes were already being undertaken online so, for many of us, things remain unchanged. And IMFS believes that one should always be ready for a change. That's what makes you amiable and flexible with all the life surviving situations.

Time and tide wait for no man. Over the years, society has witnessed alterations and changes on unprecedented scales and humanity has adapted to the same. With the rapid advancements and technology development being made in the digital world it was on the horizon that technology would soon take over the peripheral of education. It might seem tedious initially but eventually, we will accept this change and get used to online classes.

You take the positive side into consideration that how much cost can be saved if the education is online. With the online classes, students are also able to save a major cost component including the expenses of travel, accommodation, food and much more.

To consult with the IMFS Education Counselling in Mumbai, you can follow the site given below and get the information. IMFS will happily help you in solving all your queries and suggest a suitable solution for you.


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