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Give a kickstart to your preparation!

GRE Coaching in Mumbai
GRE Coaching in Mumbai
So, you have decided to go for the GRE preparation from today… right? So, a huge syllabus and a little less time with a hectic schedule of practice are waiting for you ahead. While looking at the syllabus you must be thinking that, which section you should take in hand and study so, here are some tips from the experienced faculties of IMFS GRE institutes in Mumbai. Have a look at those, I'm sure that this will help you to kickstart your GRE preparation with a good boost. If you are thinking that other students who are going to take the GRE exam have already started preparing and you are late then don’t worry! Everybody goes through this trauma of getting started the GRE practice. At IMFS, we know how students think about the questions and the exam which is why we got a way for you to sift through all the content out there in the GRE syllabus and distill it in 3 simple, easy and QUICK ways to give a powerful boost to your GRE preparation.

Don’t get overwhelmed by the amount of GRE preparation material you have 

When we talk to students that what you find the most difficult while going to prepare for GRE then the most common answer is the availability of study material. Study material is the biggest culprit that we have found in our interaction with students.because of lots of online sites and the institutes and mentors, there are huge resources of getting the preparations of GRE done. So, students tend to hoard a lot of material (most of it either useless or repetitive) and somehow most of you feel that you have to do ALL of it to get a great GRE score. This is not the fact, take this into your mind first. In Fact many and most of IMFS GRE Coaching in Mumbai students who have done well on the GRE– scored above 160 out of a possible 170 in both Maths and Verbal have vouched for this fact.

So, don't go with a lot of books or online site, choose IMFSa is your study partner and refer the limited books and get you to practice done and you will definitely end up with the great GRE score and your dream institution for further studies!
So go to the grindstone and start studying!

Have a clear GRE date in mind. 

If you want to achieve your dream score then your plan to study is the key. have an end-date in your mind. This is the first rule of goal setting - having a target to hit. Collect your strong points and weaker points. How much time do you have..? According to us, its approx 3 months. So add another 2 weeks to it and mark a date roughly. That's 16 weeks from now. That will give you all the time to prepare for the GRE Exam!
So go ahead and mark the date. As someone once said, “Just do it!”

Have a clear GRE Plan that tracks your preparation on a day to day basis

Day to day preparation always works for effective preparation. So, prepare it now and once you have a plan, you take a printout of it and stick it next to your study desk. It will not only help in your preparation but also motivates you.


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  2. It's really most important article, for more visit GMAT online preparation


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