GMAT Coaching In Pune Confusion between the two options, it's a common problem that every student faced during preparation or while taking the GMAT test. Many students told that, whenever they are confused between the two, after applying all the knowledge they have they choose an option and still they choose the wrong option every damn time! Are you facing the same problem …? Well, with the right guide and guidance you can overcome your confusion in an effective manner. IMFS has an excellent GMAT Coachingin Pune and you can get your coaching done from the IMFS and be well trained about the concepts and the knowledge point of view. You are not the only one who goes through this, so the simple thing to overcome this is – if you are stuck between 2 answer choices and get it wrong all the time, what it really means is that you are simply unable to identify what is wrong with the choice you picked. This is the underlying problem, and this is what you need to address. Yes,...