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GRE Counselling Near Me, Study In Canada

Are you one of them who are looking for a way to continue your studies abroad? Are you looking for the best study counsellor who can give you the best counselling regarding what all you need to do in order to get into the best university abroad? Search for “GRE counselling near me” on your Search Engine. Many persons found themselves into the same dilemma when they complete their school studies and resolved it this way.

Ram, a resident of Mumbai had a dream of going to canada for pursuing his further studies after schooling. He was very good in his studies right from his childhood. Taking into consideration his scholar nature, his school waved off his full fees. This all helped him completing his school studies with very good marks. Now, the time has come when he has to choose a college for his further studies. His father being a middle class business could not afford to spend lakhs of rupees to send his son to a foreign university. Ram was very worried about the situation. He needed a good foreign education consultant who could guide him about what he can do in order to pursue his further studies abroad taking into consideration his family problem. He inquired a lot of persons if there is any GRE counselling near me. When he searched on the net, he founded IMFS the best foreign education consultants which have the best record of sending a large number of students abroad that too with a scholarship. Without wasting any more time, he immediately visited their official website and looked for the address for his nearest IMFS branch.

When Ram visited their office, the counsellor told him that scoring very good marks in GRE is the best option for him if he want to study in canada. He immediately took admission into their interactive GRE course. He worked very hard for getting a good score in his exam. The IMFS teachers helped him a lot in his hardwork. They solved his doubts in a very innovative manner. After three months, when he gave his GRE exam, he scored 320/340 marks and got offer letters from the best universities abroad that too with a scholarship. He chose the best college for himself and took admission into it. His parents were very happy on their son’s achievement. Completing all his documentation, with the help of counselling given by IMFS, Ram took admission into the best university of Canada with 80% scholarship. After three years of study, Ram got his bachelors degree and hence became a graduate. Soon, Ram got his first job and started working as a CEO of a multinational company. Now, he is living very happily in Canada with his family as a citizen of the country. All thanks to IMFS for making his life successful.
So, if you have a desire to continue your studies abroad & want to become a successful person, visit or contact at the following numbers:
Contact No.: +91 22 24320102, +91 22 24320104


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