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Student Counsellor, Study Abroad

Needed Student Counsellors, said an advertisement that caught the attention
of the parents  of a new batch of students who were pursuing their course.
With the advertisement in leading national dailies such as Hindustan Times
and Times of India, Professor Bhagat, said that had not for the presence
of Student Counselling as a subject par value, students would have no clue
to the courses that were being imparted. With the globe becoming a heaven
for educational courses, most students opt for studies abroad. The multiple
courses have a combined stream of arts, commerce, science followed by some
subjects in Information Technology and Management Studies. With new educational
courses evolving each day and multiple options being provided whether in
medicine or nursing, engineering or technology. For students, the Student
Counsellors are the links between students and universities advising the
best courses to pursue with career options, be it any stream.  

A student counsellor has good communication skills, which can be summed
up as written, oral and interpersonal work . She works with great cohesiveness
and is able to develop great rapport with students and parents. Apart from
observational skills she is a powerhouse with empathy and understanding,
involvement,patience and  is full of positivity and has a strong background
in humanities, with educational psychology. Understanding parents and students
IMFS educational counsellors have a detailed knowledge on the trends of
the careers which could make sweeping changes in academic institutions.
Accolades, awards, fee structures, financial assistance from different sources.
Up-to- date with knowledge they are ever expanding, attending seminars and
are versatile by nature.

While at jobs they analyse abilities, interests and skills of students with
their curriculum vitae they conduct sessions in institutes of learning brief
them and make them accessible to new features of educational system.
When it comes to migrating to distant lands, they help the student to feel
being at home by familiarising them with nearby community areas, places
that have opportunities wherein they could participate in programmes.
Though the initial grooming and know how is through personality and aptitude
tests, they share students with subjects of their liking and align their subject
requests through universities that impart study program. They guide them
towards progress.

A major role played by the student counsellors are one of immediate solace and comfort when students face hardships. Contemporary students have challenges with friends, peers and circles. Some are introvert and some being extroverts the educational counsellors try  to match a hobby /two to shape them. Empowering them with strengths to face a stranger or a bully, they move step by step, the counsellors work step by step to bring in time management. Also Education Counsellors try to shape best performances and wean away students from forces that could pose obstacles

Students in India have a choice of pursuing Education abroad. Be it in the
West or both USA, and European countries they have an excellent quality
of higher education, great research facilities, and academic freedom..
The first key difference lies in Education abroad. The first is between the
education system in the US and Europe and the amount of time it takes to
finish the degree programme. In the USA it is one year longer than the
Education system in abroad.

Higher is the cost of education  in the United States and in the Europe the
cost of education may be £10,000 per year..The academic requirements is
one of 16 years of schooling (12 + 4) and 15 years  of undergraduate studies,
in Europe.

Education abroad is based on performance in the Graduate Record Examination,
Scholastic Aptitude Test or Graduate Management and Aptitude Test along
with a minimum score requirement in Test if English as a Foreign Language
and IELTS.

The requisite of European universities mean IELTS (International English
Language Testing System), TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language),
English preparatory programme.


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