Practising too much for the exams like GRE and GMAT is exhausting. So, learn when to let go and understand the actual GMAT Computer adaptive testing algorithm and plan your study according to it. IMFS is one of the top GMAT classes in Pune which can help you in every step of your GMAT journey. Thus, to win in the GMAT, you need to have continuous practice sticking taking your timing into consideration. You need to be active enough to understand when to make educated guesses and move on from a tough question in case you are finding it difficult to figure out the right approach within your Takt-Time. Most of the time students panic and that fear directly affect the score. if you’re having a panic attack during your practice tests or if you are underprepared then it's a normal thing that student face. Yeah…! It's true that you should be well prepared for the exams like GMAT but there are situations and circumstances. So, overlook and get a little bit confident, that You would d...