At some point of time, you will feel that GRE is quite intimidating: and you know that you have to study in order to get a good GRE score; however, what does that mean? How many hours you must spend, it can be 2 hours or 2 months prepping and how long you need to study for your GRE test? If you know the right amount of time required to study GRE can help you to maximize your GRE score as well as avoid over-studying. Here in this guide, we will go through the right process of checking out how long you must study for your GRE test when you must start preparing for your test, and how you can create the right study schedule and whether taking classes for GRE in Thane will really help? How Long Do Many People Study For Their GRE Test? Like mentioned above, there is a high variation in the amount of time that people select to get ready for their GRE test. But, many people spend around 1 to 3 months studying some hours per week for this test. It means the amount of studyin...