Improving your GRE test score is directly proportional to your effort, skill level, and hard work. You might be good at Math, some at good at Verbal and some at good at both GRE math and verbal section. My quest for finding a good Classes for GRE in Pune began a while back and I’m happy to say that I found one and finished the test prep and training from there. The classes were none other than IMFS. You might be thinking what is the real need of attending GRE prep classes? So here is the answer. Not many people have the motivation or the determination to allocate the time for GRE Test Prep every day. They find it difficult to find a time in our daily routine to prepare for GRE. So,I joined a GRE Test Prep class – just to get find my groove and trigger my skills. Now, you might wonder, why would someone spend all the money to find the grove, then you should again think about the time you spent regularly to study for GRE. GRE can’t be done in a single day prepa...